purple whitening toothpaste,معجون الأسنان الأرجواني المبيض

79.00 SAR
تقييم 4.4/5 على
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Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3
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"I much prefer them over liquid detergent because they are easy to store, clean to use and I love that you can rip the sheets if you want to change the amount you are using."
Davina K Verified Verified
"I'm impressed so far with the cleaning power, as well as the convenience. Of course limited packaging waste is a big win, too!"
Aliza Verified Verified
Very simple detergent, does the job just as good, small pacakging, great product"
Jayna H Verified Verified
"Yes very happy with the product. I bought it to use when travelling in our caravan. Light and convenient. Tested it on clothes at home and seems to work very well."
Ally Verified Verified
" i used to get rashes before using these sheets, well not anymore, thank you so much! "
Mehul G Verified Verified
" Easy to order, easy to use and great washing results ! "
Noah D Verified Verified
It has completely stopped my skin irritation, i never knew how harmful my liquid detergent was
Ada T Verified Verified
My shelves are now free for my other cleaning supplies, one neat tidy cupboard for all my supplies thanks to your compact detergent
Martha Verified Verified

【 يخترق معجون الأسنان المصحح Toothpaste】purple الأرجواني الفجوات الموجودة في المينا، ولا يترك أي بقايا، ويساعد في تنظيف أسنانك بشكل فعال.
【 Corrector】Works اللون إلى تفتيح الأسنان باستخدام تقنية تصحيح الألوان. من خلال موازنة الأشكال المختلفة في أسنانك، تخفي البقع وتحسن السطوع.
【 معجون الأسنان الأرجواني Corrector】This الأرجواني، جنبًا إلى جنب مع صبغتين قابلتين للذوبان في الماء، يمكن أن يقضي على أي ظل أصفر ويقدم ألمع ابتسامة.
【 الاستخدام المنتظم Results】With طويل الأمد، يمكن أن يساعدك معجون الأسنان هذا في الحفاظ على ابتسامة بيضاء زاهية تدوم. ستتمكن من الاستمتاع بالثقة التي تأتي بابتسامة جميلة كل يوم.
【 مريح وسهل Use】Just ضعي معجون أسنان وفرشاة أسنان أرجواني التبييض لمدة 2 دقائق، وسترى مدى سرعة ظهور أسنانك أكثر إشراقًا!

【Purple Toothpaste】purple corrector toothpaste penetrates the gaps in the enamel , leave no residue, help effectively clean your teeth.
【Colour Corrector】Works to brighten teeth by utilizing color correcting technology.By counter-balancing the different hues in your teeth, conceals stains and improves brightness.
【Purple Corrector】This purple toothpaste, combined with two water-soluble dyes, can eliminate any shade of yellow and present the brightest smile.
【Long Lasting Results】With regular use, this dental toothpaste can help you maintain a bright, white smile that lasts. You'll be able to enjoy the confidence that comes with a beautiful smile every day.
【Convenient And Easy To Use】Just apply purple whitening toothpaste and toothbrush for 2 minutes, and you will see how quickly your teeth look brighter!